tiistai 13. tammikuuta 2015

Alakerta: Eteisaula. The Groundfloor: The Entrance Hall.

Alakerrassa vasemmalla on eteisaula lukunurkkauksineen. 
Wirkkulan perheen isä on vauvan syöttöpuuhissa Panton'n sydäntuolissa.
Tuolin olen voittanut Miniaturas Modernas blogista.
Perheen koira Chi odottaa varmaankin pientä makupalaa :) 
Koira on chihuahua ja Hannahin tekemä.
Valkoisia, tekemiäni kirjakaruselleja löytyy talosta kaksi kappaletta.
Niissä on ystävieni, mm. Leenan, Meritan, Jenniferin, Loten, tekemiä kirjoja.
Lumme asetelma pöydällä on Katin tekemä.

Taulun olen tehnyt Marimekon postikortista.
Mustavalkoinen tapetti "Iso suomu" on leikattu Marimekko kuvioissa -kirjasta.
Vauvan vaunuista voit lukea enemmän täältä.

 On the left, at the groundfloor, is the entrance hall with the reading corner. 
The father of the family is feeding the baby and sitting on the Panton Heart Chair. I have won the chair from the blog: Miniaturas Modernas .
Chi, the dog, is expecting to have a small piece of food also :) 
The dog is a chihuahua and made by Hannah.
 Two white Book Carousels, which I've made, can be found in the house.
 There are a lot of books made by my friends, for example. Leena, Merita, Jennifer and Lotte.
The Waterlily on the table is made by Kati.

I have turned a Marimekko postcard into a painting by cutting and framing it.
Tha black and white wallpaper "Iso suomu" is cut out from the book: Marimekko kuvioissa.

You can read more about the Baby Strollers from here

Portaikon alla, vaunujen takana on polkupyörälle ja skeittilaudalle sopiva säilytyspaikka. Polkupyörän olen voittanut Marja-Leenan blogista.
 Under the staircase  there is a safe place for the bike and the skateboard . 
I have won the Bicycle  from Marja-Leena's blog.

12 kommenttia:

  1. I like the details.
    The bicycle is fantastic.

  2. Wonderful room. I love your book carousel. the little dog is cute and the pram is beautiful.
    Hugs Maria

  3. Me gusta como te ha quedado la entrada. El monopatín y la bicicleta parecen que son de tamaño natural, y el cochecito de bebe es genial. Un saludo, Eva

  4. Your characters are so cute! Nice details! xo Jennifer

  5. Una bonita y muy realista entrada de la casa!!!

  6. That was fun for sure... what a lovely place - especially for sitting with a good book. Looks great and you've added so many gorgeous details without crowding the scene. Hope we'll get to see more soon... ;O)


  7. The entrance hall is awesome and I love that bicycle! What wonderful details.

  8. Fantastic setup! I love the paterns and the lighting on this it looks so modern loft style!
    That bike is pretty cool!

  9. I feel so proud and happy the dog I sent you get to live in such a wonderful house =)
    I love modern houses, I think it's a bit uncommon in the miniature world, so I get very happy every time I see one =)
    This house is wonderful, great details, and I love how you manage to show so many gifts and things from your friends. Makes me want to finish my house, so I can show of my things too =) This was very inspiring, thanks for sharing!
    Hugs Hannah

  10. I love the book table you created with the lovely modern chair. It's so nice you were
    able to add gifts made by friends. It makes the room even more special.
    Hugs, Drora
