sunnuntai 27. huhtikuuta 2014

Vaahtosammutin. Foam extinguisher.

Viime Tiistaina meillä oli kerhossamme aiheena Vaahtosammutin.
En ollut silloin Torniossa, joten en päässyt  kerhoon.
Tiistai-illasta alkaen olen ollut flunssassa, enkä ole jaksanut tehdä mitään.
Eilen illalla, edelleen flunssaisena, tein vaahtosammuttimen itselleni. Päälle tuli ehkä vähän liian paljon lakkaa...

Last Tuesday, we had Foam extinguisher as the theme a in our MiniClub. 
At that time I was not here, so I did not get into the Club.
Since Tuesday evening I've been sick with the flu, 
and I have been too tired to do anything.
Yesterday, in the evening, still having the flu, 
I made a fire extinguisher for myself. 
I think that on the cover there is perhaps a bit too much lacquer ...

17 kommenttia:

  1. Fantástico trabajo, ha quedado perfecto.
    Un abrazo.

  2. I hope you will be feeling better soon, Kikka. What a pity that you couldn't go to the miniclub, but you have done a great job on the foam extinguisher. I just wrote a comment on Piikko's blog about a extinguisher.......;)!
    Take good care and a good recovery soon!
    Hugs, Ilona

  3. Hi Kikka,
    I am sorry to hear that you are sick and hope you feel better soon. I think the extinguisher looks great! If this is how nice it looks when you are sick, imagine if you were feeling well! Seriously, a wonderful job.

  4. Tarpeellinen väline paikkaan kuin paikkaan.
    Pikaista paranemista.

  5. I hope you feel better soon, dear friend.
    The extinguisher is perfect.

  6. Oh I hope you are felling better soon! At least you got to be quietly creative while feeling crappy ;P

    Its a fantastic creation, the little hose and handle are wonderful!
    Hugs, feel better! ~J

  7. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, my best wishes for a quick recovery. But least you're back to crafting - that fire extinguisher looks great, very realistic.


  8. Dear Kikka, I hope you'll feel well soon. Take it easy my friend.
    The extinguisher is fantastic. No wooden dollhouse should be without one.
    Hugs, Drora

  9. Sorry to hear you've been ill, I hope you are feeling much better now.
    I don't think there's too much lacquer on your excellent fire extinguisher, it looks just about perfect!
    Kind regards, Brian.

  10. Mua joskus ukot töissä nimittelee vaahtosammuttimeks. Ovat itse vissiin olevinnaan niin isoja ja lih..aksikkaita. :DDD Mutta hyvä, että sulla on nyt sammutin talossa jos hätätilanne koittaa. -Koitahan parantua!

  11. Hope you feel better soon! I can't believe you were able to make such a great looking extinguisher even when sick!

  12. Hi Kikka, I'm so sorry you've been ill with the flu. I hope you feel better really, really soon. I like your fire extinguisher very much. It looks very realistic! xo Jennifer

  13. Hieno sammutin, kyllä sellainen on hyvä olla olemassa nukketalossakin =) Pikaista paranemista!

  14. Hei Kikka,
    Minusta se näyttää melko hyvältä. Toivon sinulle paremmin. Pidä huolta itsestäsi.
    Iso hali,

  15. so sorry you are not well, your fire extinguisher is really nice how did you do that??
