tiistai 4. maaliskuuta 2014

Paketti Australiasta! Parcel from Australia!

Joku aika sitten osallistuin arvontaan The Shopping Sherpa -blogissa. Voitin yhden arvottavina olleista palkinnoista: Laserleikatut Pyykkipojat!
Paketti tuli tänään.
Some time ago I took part in a Giveaway at The Shopping Sherpa -blog. I won one of the prizes: Laser-cut Laundry Pegs!
I got the parcel today.

Pyykkipojat ovat aivan uskomattoman hienoja ja todella pieniä, koossa 1/12.
The Pegs are just incredibly wonderful and really small, size 1/12.

Pyykkipoikien lisäksi sain paljon muutakin :) ihania yllätyksiä!
Koko paketti oli päällystetty kauniilla mustapohjaisella valkopalloisella paperilla!
Paperia aukaistessa ensiksi löytyi Bellabox-laatikko ja se oli aivan täynnä kaikenlaista ihanaa...
In addition to the laundry begs I got a lot more :) wonderful surprises!
The whole package was covered with a beautiful black based white dotted paper! After the cover I found the Bellabox-box, and it was full of all Goodies ...

Pinkkiä, mustaa, valkoista! Ooolalaaa... 
Pink, black, white! Ooolalaaa ... 

Erilaisia kuvioituja papereja: Wau!
A variety of patterned papers: Wow!

Ja tauluja, nauhaa, Sanatarroja..
And photos, ribbon, stickers ..
Piti heti leikkiä vähän ja kokeilla.. :)
I had to play with everything for the start .. :)

K i i t o s   A n n a - M a r i a !
T h a n k   y o u   A n n a - M a r i a !

15 kommenttia:

  1. Onnittelut saamistasi kivoista tavaroista! Niistä riittää pitkäksi aikaa leikkeihin materiaalia.

  2. Wow! Fantastic prize and gifts! I love the pink kitty, and you play scene is really fun! Congratulations on everything, Kikka! xo Jennifer

  3. Congratulations on your beautiful gifts.
    Bye, Faby

  4. Isn't it wonderful to win gifts from people. Anna-Maria is very generous. Looking forward to seeing how you use them in your scene =0)

  5. Glad you like the contents: I had fun putting them together for you :-D

  6. Congratulations on your wonderful prize. Everything is fantastic enjoy.
    Hugs Maria

  7. So many goodies...congratulations on the prizes! I'm sure you will have fun incorporating them into a scene...or two...or three... :-)

  8. Wow, Kikka, congratulations on winning that beautiful prize, those pegs are really small!! What a lovely surprise that Anna-Maria sent you some surprises too, enjoy all your new goodies!
    I don't know her blog, so thank you for the link!
    Hugs, Ilona

  9. VOi että miten ihania, varsinkin nuo pyykkipojat <3

  10. Wow so many wonderful gifts you got =) Congratulations =)

  11. So many wonderful items!!! A crafter delight!!! :) :)
