sunnuntai 29. marraskuuta 2015

Adventtikalenteri 29.11. 2015 Advent Swap.

Tänä vuonna olen mukana 
monessa Adventtikalenteri vaihdossa 
usean ihanan ystävän kanssa. 
Ensimmäiset paketit on aukaistu tänään:
This year I am enjoying
 many Advent Swaps with
many dear Friends.
The first parcels have been opened today:

Kauniit kalusteet nukkekodin lasten leikkeihin!
Beautiful furnitures  for the Dollhousechildren to play with!
Kiitos Drora Thank you

Ihania ompelutarvikkeita,mitä tarvitaan joka nukkekodissa!
Lovely sewing items which are needed in every Dollhouse!
Kiitos Faby Thank you

Ihania, ihania tavaroita!
From Maria:
Lovely, lovely items!
 Kiitos Maria Thank you

Minit, mitä ystäväni saivat minulta näkyy varmaankin heidän omissa blogeissaan :)
The miniatures my wonderful Friends got from me will probably be seen in their own blogs :)

8 kommenttia:

  1. Onpa sinulla ollut kiva päivä, kun olet saanut availla näitä mukavia yllätyksiä paketeista. :)

  2. I'm coming directly from Drora's blog admiring her gifts in this wonderful swap. You have been spoiled too from these darling ladies! And this is fun for us only watching this too - I'm curious what the next Sundays will bring! ;O)


  3. So lovely, enjoy these wonderful goodies!

  4. Wow, you've been spoiled with these wonderful miniatures of blog friends, enjoy :D!! It's always exciting to open packages who came in the mail, the content is always a surprise :D
    Hugs, Ilona

  5. Lovely gifts Kikka. I was worried about the tiny furniture arriving undamaged and am relieved to see they are safe. Thank you for your very thoughtful gifts. Baalatova, when she finally gets home will be very pleased to have them.
    Hugs, Drora

  6. Ihania yllätyksiä!! Mukavaa joulun odotusta, Kikka!

  7. Beautiful gifts! Thanks for yours.

  8. Thank you Kikka for your wonderful gifts. Your gifts from the other ladies are beautiful enjoy.
    Hugs Maria
