tiistai 7. toukokuuta 2013

Vanha Vesilaitos 1.

Vanhasta vesilaitoksesta tuli Liisan ja Ilmarin Loft  "Vanha Vesilaitos".
Old waterworks become Liisa's  and  Ilmari's Loft  "Vanha Vesilaitos".

Kolme vuotta kestänyt rakennushankkeeni on valmistumassa. Seuraavissa postauksissa kerron tuloksesta ja prosessista.
Three years of the construction project is nearing completion. In my next posts I will tell You about the outcome and the process.

Art-Galleria.  Art-Gallery.
Art-Galeriassa on avattu ensimmäinen näyttely. Galleria sijaitsee Vanhan Vesilaitoksen alakerrassa.
The first exhibition is open at the Art-Gallery . The Gallery is located on the ground floor of the Old Waterworks. 

 Oikealla on Eileen Levy'n maalaus.
Eileen Levy's painting on the right.

Penkillä oleva Lasilintu ja vasemmalla oleva värikäs maalaus ovat Kikan tekemiä. 
The Glassbird on the bench and the colorful painting on the left of are made by Kikka. 
Turkoosi Korvakoru -assemblaasi on myös Kikan tekemä.
 Turquoise Earrings -assemble is also made by Kikka .

14 kommenttia:

  1. Beautiful artwork, so nicely displayed.

  2. Thank you for including my mother's painting in your extraordinary art gallery! You did an incredible job on the gallery, it looks so realistic!

    Cheers, Neen

  3. Mi piace molto la tua galleria d'arte, molto ben realizzata che sembra reale! Anche l'uccello di vetro è molto bello. Un abbraccio,Manu

  4. Hello Kikka,
    I love the artwork and the gallery is ebautiful. Great work!
    Big hug,

  5. Hi Kikka, Both the art gallery and the artwork are beautiful. I love that brick wall and the sculpture made from earrings. You've done a really lovely job! xo Jennifer

  6. Dear Kikka,
    I love your art gallery, especiall the little statue in the corner.
    The artwork made from earrings is fantastic.
    Hugs, Drora

  7. Beautiful art work in a beautiful gallery: this is a fantastic scene, Kikka! The artwork of the blue earrings is awesome! Blue is definately my color ;)!
    Hugs, Ilona

  8. Hello Kikka, your Gallery for Modern Art is great! It must have taken you a lot of time to make and collect all pieces of art you display. Well done and thanks for sharing the pictures.

  9. les oeuvres présentées sont superbement réalisées. C'est une véritable galerie d'art !

  10. I like your modern Art Gallery. The glass bird and Turquoise earrings are gorgeous; perfect in this place.
    Bye, Faby

  11. Upeaa työtä! Oikein tyylikäs galleria.

  12. As I read and look at all your pictures, I am actually now toying with the possibility of making a modern interior :). There is so much possibilities with so many material. Your works of art (from earrings to paintings to glass bird) are all inspiring work!

    Love the ensemble.
