sunnuntai 21. lokakuuta 2012

Keinuhevonen syntyi  KOTTE TOYS-kitistä  Maalasin sen valkoiseksi ja koristelin vähän ruskealla ja mustalla.

I made The Rocking Horse of KOTTE TOYS -kit.  Painted it white and decorated a little with brown and black.

7 kommenttia:

  1. I-ha-haa, hepo hirnahtaa! Ihanaa, kun saa askartaa...

  2. Your rocking horse is beautiful. I love rocking horses :)
    Hugs Maria

  3. Hi Kikka, what a lovely rocking horse,I like the colors very much :)

    Hugs Mieke xxx

  4. Hello kikka,
    You did a great job. What a great rocking horse. I lvoe the detail you painted on. It looks just perfect for any child to paly with for hours.
    Big hug,

  5. Pero que preciosidad de caballito, quedaria genial en cualquier habitacion de bebe.
    besitos ascension
