Keväällä Joulua odotellessa :D ?
In Spring, waiting for the Christmas :D ?
Tein tämän markkinakojun lokakuussa 2011
Nyt olen tuunannut sitä Nukkekotikerhomme Näyttelyä varten Glögi- ja Piparimyyntikojuksi.
Korivaunu on alunperin kirppislöytö. Olen tehnyt kukat ja koristellut vaunua.
Näyttely on Tornion Kirjaston tiloissa Toukokuun ajan ja sinne on tulossa paljon markkinakojuja ja muuta mukavaa! Tervetuloa katsomaan Näyttelyä.
I did this Market stall last October. Now I have done some "tuning" in changing the stall into a "MarketStall of Hot-Glüchwein/Juice and Gingerbread".
I have bought the Basket trolley from the fleamarket. I have made the flowers and the put on some decorations.
We have our MiniClub`s exhibition at the Library in May in Tornio and there will be many market stalls and lot`s of other things and materials in the exhibition. You are Wellcome to visit the exhibition.
Jos haluat osallistua Arvontaani: If you want to take part into my Giveaway: Klikkaa/Clic;"Kaksi vuotta Blogia: Arvonta. Two Years Blog Anniversary Giveaway" (20.4.)
You stall is stunning. I love it. It will look good with any project.
VastaaPoistaHugs, Drora
What a lovely marketstall, good luck at the exibition.
kiva kuin myös kahvilasikin :)!
VastaaPoistaYour stall is amazing.
VastaaPoistaBye Faby
I'd shop there! What a fun market stall Kikka!
VastaaPoistaand your upcoming Min exhibition sounds like a great time, sure wish I lived closer!
hugs Lynn
Me encantaria poder visitar y ver en directo el precioso trabajo que has hecho, seguro que le va a encantar a todo el mundo, esta lleno de maravillosos detalles, enhorabuena.
VastaaPoistabesitos ascension
Already Xmas? :) But gingerbread men are all season as far as I am concerned. Great work! Now I am going to take a stroll through your blog and catch up on past posts.
VastaaPoistaI agree with Sans!:I even thought it was a Xmas stall, but I read on :) I wish you lots of luck in the exhibition, your work is excellent.
VastaaPoistaGreetings, Ilona